Christos and Dimitra (co-production)
Amerissa Basta
The 8 year old Christos aims to see with his girlfriend, Demetra, the evening performance of the play "Romeo and Juliet" by a roving troupe, which has come to their village. But things will not become so easy for him. Therefore he will have to overcome obstacles and take courageous decisions! It is a film about art, love, magic and dream!
Constantinos Pallikaras, Renisa Zogou
Technical data
HD CAM / Fiction / short film / colour / 13' / 2015
* 2nd Fiction of the month at 12 Months Film Festival (11/2016)
* Honorary Distinction at 9th International Film Festival of Larissa - Artfools (5/3/2017)
* Bronze award at 1st Eu China Short Film Festival (2017)

Honorary Distinction at 9th International Film Festival of Larissa - Artfools 2017