

Maria Papageorgiou, Manolis Kandanoleon, Giorgos Detsis, Anna Antonopoulou, Fani Bitou


A colorful modular documentary film which is centered on the refugee crisis. A film that portrays true life, reality and stunning human stories in Greece, Turkey, Syria.

In 2016, the Greek Documentary Association organized a workshop for new documentaries' filmmakers titled "EXODUS". The workshop's theme was the recent refugee crisis and the project was part of the tribute to the Greek Documentary titled "With the eyes open", which was co-organized by the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival and the Technopolis of the Municipality of Athens.
Coordinators of the workshop were unique and remarkable professionals. The workshop's result was the creation of five short documentaries by young directors and Kyriakos Chatzimichailidis and his company t-shOrt who is supporting the value and dynamics of the Greek documentary, undertook the production with the support of the Greek Cinema Center.

The five films were filmed in Greece, Turkey, Syria, and released in the Technopolis of the City of Athens at the "Open Eyes" festival from 4-7 May 2017.

film's poster

  • "Temporarily" by Maria Papageorgiou 
In the spring of 2016, families of Afghan refugees temporarily set up an improvised camp at the entrance to the former Olympic airways airport in Athens and try to continue their lives normally.
  • "Open Borders" by Manolis Kandanoleon
This is a film about people from the internal side of the fence.
  • "Return" by George Detsis
After the release of Kobani, residents return to the ruined city, rebuilding their lives in the ruins.
  • "Ali & Soraya" by Anna Antonopoulou
Ali, Soraya and their baby live and dream trapped in the refugee camp of Greece.
  • "Niaz's words" by Fani Bitou 
Niaz, an immigrant from Afghanistan, is trying to learn English while he is trapped in Greece because of the closure of the borders.

After several successful screenings the five films united in a modular film titled "EXODUS".

Technical data

Documentary, HD, color, duration: 30' 53'', 2017