You can trust me
You can trust me
Dialogue list
- I know that this will be difficult for you, but you must contact every single one of them...
- Well, well...
- Well...
- Well, well, well... Is this chance?
Could be fate…
- Really? Haven’t seen you in a while...
How are you?
- Good, you? Are we doing the story together...Yorgo?
- What else Marina...?
- I don’t know...are you thinking of something else?
- You’re getting cuter…
Haven’t you missed me?
- Anything else you might need, we’re here for you.
- Hello Dr.
- Hello…
- We’re from the TV channel, for the interview.
- Ah…yes, yes…
- I’m Marina.
- Pleased to meet you Marina.
- Yorgos.
- My office is right here, could you give me a couple of minutes?
- Yes, of course.
- The doctor? Where do you picture him?
- Right there?
- What about me? Where do you picture me?
- Guys sorry I’m late.
- Hey Niko.
- Hey... the doctor?
- Excuse me...
- Doctor, could you please say something so we can hear you?
- What should I say?
- Anything you want.
- The question you asked me, will require a useful and persuasive answer...
- That’s perfect , thank you.
2, 1... Go.
- Mom...
- We’re trying to communicate with the youth in its own code and language…
.. I believe we will have results.
- Which age groups do you think take the biggest risks…
… and have more chances of being infected with the virus?
- 18 - 38 year olds and mainly homosexuals. Here I would like to emphasize on the importance of parents being informed correctly… so they can advise their children about preventative measures…which is the most important advise when it comes to sexually transmitted deceases.
- Dr. Milioti, thank you very much.
- We’re good.
- How did it go? Not bad...
- It went well…
- For a first timer, eh?
- You did just fine.
- Pack up in your own time, I have some work to do. Goodbye.
- Goodbye, thank you.
- Are we done yet?
- You wanna give us a hand?
- Sure thing... with what?
- With this... right here...
- Bye guys...kisses...
- Kisses.
- Do you have a condom?
- Yeah...
- Fuck!
- What? It broke?
- No... not like this...
- Come on baby...You can trust me….